Department of Biochemistry & Biotechnology
Welcome to the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology. The Department has a unique history of educational and research excellence, as well as community engagement. We are in times when studying biochemistry has become exciting and there is a growing demand for both pure and applied biochemists around the globe to provide an understanding of biochemical processes across living systems. Understanding the biochemical systems and processes leads to the creation of solutions to problems in health and well-being, individual identification, sustainable agriculture and manufacturing, and impacts safety and security.
Our programmes span Pure Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Human Nutrition and Dietetics, Forensic Science, and Biodata Analytics and Computational Genomics. We employ Biochemical, Molecular, Biophysical and whole organism-level tools in our research. Our well-designed curriculum emphasizes in-depth theoretical knowledge, practical knowledge and skills, critical thinking and knowledge transfer.
Over the years, our Department has maintained steady growth in numbers, excellence, and in community engagements. Our current enrolment for 2021 is 916 undergraduates and 400 graduate students, from previous numbers of 300 and 60 students in the past five years. In the last two years, we have added seven faculty positions to enrich our programmes. Our Department will continue to grow in size as students gain an understanding of the job opportunities in biochemistry.
On our website, we have placed information on our variety of undergraduate and graduate programmes, course catalogues, faculty and staff, our research activities, funding sources, admission requirements, community engagements, production units, academia-industry relations, and our collaborators. We appreciate your interest in our Department and invite you to take this opportunity to visit and learn about the research and community engagements that we undertake.