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KNUST's Department of Biochemistry Calls for innovative research at their Inaugural Postgraduate Conference

Thu 31 Aug 2023
postgraduate Conference i

The Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) marked a significant milestone on Tuesday, August 29, 2023, with the successful culmination of its inaugural Postgraduate Conference. The event took place at the Regional Water, Environment, Sanitation Center Kumasi (RWESCK) Center of Excellence, KNUST, garnering enthusiastic participation from both students and faculty members.

The central objective of the conference was to create a vital platform for postgraduate students within the Department to showcase and deliberate upon the advancements in their respective thesis research endeavours. Beyond the presentation of research, the event fostered a vibrant intellectual exchange, encouraging the constructive critique of ideas, and nurturing a fertile environment for networking to thrive among both students and faculty.

Prof. Arthur

The conference commenced with a warm welcome address delivered by Prof. F.K.N. Arthur, the Conference Chair and a revered faculty member of the Department. Prof. Arthur's opening remarks set the tone for the day's proceedings, emphasizing the importance of scholarly collaboration and the pursuit of academic excellence.

Following this, the spotlight turned to Prof. Caleb K. Firempong, the distinguished Head of the Department. Prof. Firempong's insightful presentation, titled “Elevating Postgraduate Education in Biochemistry: Nurturing Excellence, Innovation and Global Impact,” echoed throughout the venue as he underscored the fact that postgraduate education in Biochemistry transcends mere knowledge dissemination. He advocated for a holistic approach that incorporates innovation and the creation of meaningful impacts. His impassioned plea for students to not only be recipients of knowledge but also drivers of transformative change was met with resounding applause.

Prof. Caleb Firempong, HoD, Biochem

The conference further welcomed two eminent keynote speakers, each adding depth to the discourse. Prof. Dr. Kaveh Mashayekhi,Prof. Dr. Kaveh Mashayekhi Head of Laboratories at KNUST's KCCR (Kumasi Centre for Collaborative Research), delivered an illuminating address on “Empowering Research Resilience: Navigating Challenges in Low-Middle Income Countries.” In an era marked by economic challenges, Prof. Mashayekhi offered invaluable insights on navigating the complex terrain of research in resource-constrained settings.

Dr. Solomon Appiah-Kubi, a distinguished alumnus of the Department and CEO of SOLAK Biochemist and Natural Clinic, took the stage to discuss “Navigating a Career in Biochemistry: Opportunities and Challenges.” Dr. Appiah-Kubi urged students to transcend the boundaries of academia and channel their biochemistry knowledge towards practical and impactful applications in the job market. His call to action inspired attendees to envision innovative avenues where their expertise could make a tangible difference.

Dr. Solomon Appiah-Kub, CEO of SOLAK Biochemist and Natural Clinic

Addressing the procedural aspect of postgraduate education, the Department's Exams Officer elucidated the intricacies of submitting theses for online assessment, ensuring that students were well-equipped with the necessary information to progress smoothly through their academic journeys.

Dr. AppreyThe day's pinnacle arrived as the participants congregated into separate rooms, each dedicated to distinct research themes, wherein each postgraduate student presented their research progress. With articulate precision, students elucidated their research objectives, methodologies, findings, and the projected contributions of their work to their respective academic domains. These presentations not only highlighted the depth of their inquiries but also demonstrated their prowess in effective communication of complex scientific concepts.

presentationThe conference accomplished its goal of providing a dynamic platform for postgraduate scholars to disseminate their research advancements, engage in rigorous academic discussions, and receive valuable feedback from both their mentors and fellow faculty members. However, the event transcended the confines of academia by offering students a unique networking opportunity. With interdisciplinary interactions and collaborative prospects abound, participants explored the potential for forging alliances that could catalyze groundbreaking research endeavors.


The inaugural Postgraduate Conference of the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology at KNUST represented a triumphant convergence of academic scholarship, intellectual camaraderie, and future-oriented innovation. The legacy of this event will undoubtedly linger as an inspiration for future generations of postgraduate students, motivating them to strive for excellence, embrace innovation, and envisage their contributions leaving an indelible imprint on the global landscape of biochemistry and biotechnology.

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